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macOSX system sounds are a different volume level than music and movies

When connected to a computer running the Mac OS X operating system, computer system alert and alarm sounds will play through the connected Bose speakers. If these system sounds are too loud or too quiet compared to other media you are listening to from the computer, try the following:

Check the application volume level and settings.

The application volume should be set to a maximum level. Set the output to stereo. For more information on these settings, refer to the software application developer.

To adjust the system alert levels on macOS 10.4.6 or newer:

  1. On the computer, click the Apple icon in the upper-left corner of the screen
  2. In the Apple menu, click System Preferences...
  3. Click the Sound icon
  4. Click the Sound Effects panel
  5. Use the Alert volume slider to set a level for macOS system sounds and alerts
    Tip: To set the overall volume sent from the computer to your product, select the Output panel, then use the Output volume slider to set a level
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