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Bose Music Amplifier

Sold from 2022 – present

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Features not available with Alexa

The Amazon Alexa assistant is available for integration with non-Amazon devices, like Bose smart speakers. However, some Alexa features that are supported with Amazon Alexa devices are unsupported with non-Amazon Alexa devices. Learn which features are unavailable when using Alexa with a Bose smart speaker.

Some features are not supported when using Alexa with your Bose smart speaker or amplifier.

When making a voice request to Alexa from your Bose smart speaker, the Alexa features listed below are either unavailable or only available in certain regions as noted.
  • Alexa Kindle eBooks
  • Ring Doorbell
  • Changing the wake word from Alexa to something else
  • Setting a music service as an alarm tone
  • Creating multi-room groups made up of Bose and non-Bose speakers 
  • Phone calls to mobile phones or land lines are only available in these regions: Canada, United Kingdom, United States
  • Audible is only available in these regions: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, United States
  • Amazon Shopping is not available in Belgium, Netherlands, Poland and Sweden
  • Upgrading or purchasing additional content for an Amazon Skill is not available in Belgium, Netherlands, Poland and Sweden
Additionally, voice requests to Alexa cannot control the features of your Bose product listed below.
  • Playing and setting Bose presets
  • Playing on all Bose smart speakers
  • Grouping two or more Bose smart speakers
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