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L1 Pro32 Portable Line Array System with Sub1 Powered Bass Module

Sold from 2020 – present

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Updating the software or firmware of your product

Software and firmware updates improve product features and stability. Install any available updates to keep your product working at its best.

To update your product:

  1. On a computer, go to to open the Bose updater
    Tip: If you have difficulty with the updater, see Compatibility info for the Bose online product updater.
  2. View the terms of use, then click Accept and Continue to start
  3. Click Download and save the file to your computer
  4. Open the file and install the updater

    Download button in lower-left

    Note: If the page does not automatically advance, click the click here text.

    Click the lower-left if the screen doesn't change automatically

  5. Connect your product to the computer with a USB-C cable
    Tip: Be sure to use a USB-C cable. A thunderbolt cable will fit but will not allow the product to update
    Prompt to connect your product with USB
  6. If the updater shows an update is available, click Apply Changes and wait for the update to install
    Note: The product image shown below may differ depending on the product you are updating.
    Software update available prompt

    Software update progress bar
  7. Once updated, disconnect your product from the computer.
    Software update complete

Get help if the update won't install.

If you have trouble installing the update for your product, see Software or firmware update will not install.

Check the firmware version of your product.

For instructions, see Checking the software or firmware version. To determine if it is the latest version or if a newer version is available, refer to Software and firmware versions.
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